GFPS Foundation ART Scholarship

The original scholarship was established by the former GF Education Foundation. It merged with the current GFPS Foundation in 2013. Two (approximately) $2100 scholarships, one for each high school campus, will be awarded each spring for students pursuing higher education in the visual arts. Students from PGEC will be alternately included in the application process with CMR and GFHS. In even years they will be included with GFHS and odd years CMR.

Graduating senior from any of the Great Falls Public High Schools pursuing a post-secondary degree in the visual arts including high school seniors who plan to pursue a degree in one of the following disciplines: art history, art education, architecture or the fine arts.


  • The student must submit 6 – 10 photos of quality works in a digital portfolio.
  • Complete the application provided
  • Write a one-page, typed, double-spaced statement that addresses their artwork as well as their future academic and career goals
  • Provide two Letters of recommendation, one must be by a current or previous art teacher
  • Submit two original artworks, not larger than 18” X 24”
  • Submit one sketchbook that demonstrates ideation, style, preparatory drawings and/or skill development

Donate A One Time Or Ongoing Scholarship For High School Graduates

Setting up an educational scholarship fund can be a meaningful way to give back to your community or to honor a loved one. There are a number of things to consider when planning a scholarship. Please contact the Foundation for assistance, we are happy to help you. Contact Stephanie Becker at [email protected] or call (406) 268-6021.