Frances Kirwin Scholarship for Girls

The Frances Kirwin Scholarship for Girls was established by Nettie Kirwin in memory of her adopted daughter, Frances. Frances graduated from Great Falls High School at the top of her class in the 1920’s and was eager to go to college. Unfortunately, money was scarce in the Kirwin household—as was the case in much of the country at the time—and Frances had to try to fund her own education. She pursued every scholarship available to her but there were few and most of them heavily favored male candidates in the days before grants, federal loans, and other college-payment-assistance plans.

After the deaths of Mr. Kirwin and Frances, Mrs. Kirwin had her will changed to provide awards to girls pursuing a higher education.

Scholarship Requirements:
1. Awards will be given out to the top academically-ranked female student at CMR and Great Falls High Schools. AP classes will be taken into consideration when making these decisions.

Donate A One Time Or Ongoing Scholarship For High School Graduates

Setting up an educational scholarship fund can be a meaningful way to give back to your community or to honor a loved one. There are a number of things to consider when planning a scholarship. Please contact the Foundation for assistance, we are happy to help you. Contact Stephanie Becker at [email protected] or call (406) 268-6021.